+233 (0) 303 970 273 info@gawest.gov.gh GW-0007-2370
The following procedures shall apply to all marriage registration aplications:
A man and a woman who have consented to marry.
Thereafter, the Marriage may be celebrated within 3 months from the date of the Notice of Marriage
Notice of Registration of the Marriage is published on the Notice Board within Twenty-Eight (28) days from the date of registration.
Write to the Municipal Urban Roads Director/ Engineer’s office with details of applicant’s name, mailing address, telephone number(s), the name of the road(s) to be blocked and the details of the functions to be performed on the road(s)
Any family, individual, or registered entity / organization wishing to conduct funeral, wedding, festival and any other occasions within the Ho Municipality.
No Requirement is needed.
The applicant is invited to the Urban Roads Department of the Municipal Assembly the following working day after the submission of the request for roadblock permit by telephone call or applicant making himself available for the inspection of the road(s) intended to be blocked or closed.
At the inspection of the site of the intended road(s) to be blocked, the Road Maintenance Engineer and his inspection team decide on the suitability of the intended road(s) to be closed or otherwise.
If the intended road(s) to be blocked is suitable for the occasion, then the Road Maintenance Engineer recommends to the Municipal Urban Roads Director for approval. And if the intended road(s) to be blocked is not suitable for the occasion due to traffic circulation and other traffic management issues in the corridor after the inspection, the application is turned down or rejected.
When the application is approved by the Municipal Urban Roads Director, the applicant is requested to go to the Revenue section of the Ho Municipal Assembly to pay for the number of the approved days within 24 hours.
The applicant submits the receipt to the Road Maintenance Engineer immediately for the issuance of the Road Block Permit within a working day.
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