+233 (0) 303 970 273 info@gawest.gov.gh GW-0007-2370


Information Services Department

Rachel Sarpong

Municipal Information Officer

Information Services Department


The Information Services Department evolved from an organisation established in the latter part of 1939 as a branch of the Colonial Government Secretariat dedicated to convey news on the 2ndWorld War to the people of Gold Coast. This was done through the production of a weekly journal dubbed the “Empire at War”.

After the war, it was renamed the Public Relations Department with an oversight responsibility for the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation, the Ghana News Agency and the Ghana Film Industry Corporation until they were de-coupled to form separate entities.

In accordance with recommendations made by the Coussey Committee constituted to investigate the 1949 disturbances, the Gold Coast Government re-organised the Department into the Department of Information, and transformed it into an effective Government information disseminating unit to bridge the communication gap between the government and the governed.
After the February 24 Revolution in 1966, the then Ministry of Information and the Department of Information Services was merged to become the Central publicity Agent of the Government.

The Department was split in 1971 to become Public Relations Secretariat and the Public Relations Department which is now known as the Ministry of Information and the Information Services Department respectively. It was re-structured to disseminate information on government policies and programmes.


A smart modern ISD and the preferred choice for trusted and credible source of government information.


At the Municipal Level ISD exists to promote public participation and engagement through awareness creation of government and the Municipal Assembly policies, programs and activities for national development.





Mounts high profile photo exhibitions, design and  produces materials such as banners and photographic panel boards for Municipal events


Covers national and historical events in still form for archiving and keeps a photographic library with photographs on historical developments


Responsible for providing accurate and timely feedback to the Ministry of Information and the Municipal Assembly , to help review and update policies, programmes and initiatives to advance development agenda. This, the department does through the regular gathering of data on public perception of government and the Assembly's policies, programmes and initiatives by administering questionnaires across  the seventeen (17) Electoral Areas of the Muncipality.


The department embarks on regular effective Public Education Cpaigns Muncipal wide on Health(Covid-19) and other Public Health related emergencies or issues, Education, to drive attitudinal Change and most especially Revenue Mobilisation related campaigns.



Naomi Akua Amoadzah

Right to Information Officer


The Access to Information (ATI) Division was established and commissioned on the 17th of July, 2020 within the Information Services Department (ISD) of the Ministry of Information. The Division was initially established as a secretariat to support the implementation processes.


The Division trains and deploys RTI Officers to Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to service access to Information requests to their respective institutions. It also provides back-end support to RTI Officers on their daily activities. 

The Right to Information Act

The Right to Information Act, 2019 (Act 989), is an Act of Parliament that provides for the implementation of the constitutional right of persons to access official information held by public institutions (and relevant private institutions that receive public resources or perform public functions), subject to the exemptions that are necessary and consistent with the protection of public interest in Ghana.

RTI Application Procedures

In accordance with Section 18 of the RTI Act, 2019, application for access shall be in writing (including braille or electronic) to the public institutions. Where an applicant cannot make the request in writing due to illiteracy or a disability, the request can be made orally. Application in writing must satisfy the following
  • Addressed to the Information Officer of the public institution
  • Contain sufficient description or particulars to enable the information to be identified easily.
  • Indicate the form and manner of access required.State the capacity of the applicant to the satisfaction of the information officer, if the application is made on behalf of another person.
  • Addressed to the Information Officer of the public institution
  • State the name of the applicant, an address to which a communication or notice can be sent.
  • Provide identification of the applicant and signed by the applicant

Importance of the RTI​

  • Encourages participatory democracy.
  • Ensures transparent and open governance.
  • Ensures accountability.
  • Ensures integrity in Governance
  • Checks corruption
read more about the RTI Act, 2019